Letting go of Others\’ Opinions (Part 2)

During a transformational process with you as the guide, people work out their relationships to what they want but don’t know how to have, in a sometimes challenging dance. During some of these encounters, I have been told that I don’t care enough, that I am not...

Letting go of Others\’ Opinions (Part 2)

During a transformational process with you as the guide, people work out their relationships to what they want but don’t know how to have, in a sometimes challenging dance. During some of these encounters, I have been told that I don’t care enough, that I am not...

Letting go of Others\’ Opinions (Part 2)

During a transformational process with you as the guide, people work out their relationships to what they want but don’t know how to have, in a sometimes challenging dance. During some of these encounters, I have been told that I don’t care enough, that I am not...

Letting Go of Others’ Opinions (Part 1)

If you have walked the path of healer, guide, or teacher, you likely know that it is full of misunderstandings. This is partly because so much is not known by one or both parties about what healing really entails for the individual. There is an element that lives in...

Clear Out The Crap

I am not really one for New Year resolutions. I kind of think I need to be continually making changes and improvements throughout the year. However, this year, I cleaned closets, rearranged my kitchen, brought stuff to the Salvation Army, AND, of course fit in some...