Brene Brown On Living With Uncertainty

I\’m currently trying to make some changes in my career—and travel a lot less—so I can spend more time with my family and explore new creative endeavors. I have no idea how this will work—and I hate that! Which means I\’m now compulsively polling my...

5 Tips for Living With Uncertainty

In his book The Art of Uncertainty, Dennis Merritt Jones writes: “Between a shaky world economy, increasing unemployment, and related issues, many today are being forced to come to the edge of uncertainty. Just like the baby sparrows, they find themselves leaning into...

How Do You Live The Questions?

I don’t know about you but the saying \”The more you learn the less you know\” feels pretty accurate. The more I learn the more I feel like things are a mystery to me. But, this doesn\’t mean I feel less happy or secure. As I learn to love the...

Why Success Always Starts With Failure

According to Adapt, “success comes through rapidly fixing our mistakes rather than getting things right first time.” To prove his point, Harford cites compelling examples innovation by trial-and-error from visionaries as varied as choreographer Twyla Tharp and US...

7 Reasons Why Failure is a Good Thing

Failure is such a negative word that it seems strange to suggest that it can be a good thing. How many times have you looked back on your life, thought of mistakes you’ve made, and kicked yourself over them? I know I sure have. I have had many failures in my life. I...