The 9 Key Components of Success

When most people talk about “success,” they’re often referring to outer things like money, title, and promotions.  But in reality, these outer accomplishments almost never bring a lasting sense of happiness or success.  They’re fleeting, and the goalposts are...

Advice From Frank Sinatra

When I met Larry Winget for the first time he was telling the story of how after working his tail off to become a professional public speaker he basically woke up one day and realized he hated his life. I listened and thought to myself, “Wow, how does that happen?” I...

Going Deeper With Social Media

Social media is everywhere. If you’re like me you know you have to be engaging on it. I confess I’m not always on it and I do social media marketing and management for a living. Crazy Huh. I feel lately there is so much content out there on social media that what I...

What Creates Results?

What ever goes on within the confines of your mind will surely reflect on your outside actions. What does that mean? What you think about and how you think about them will determine the level of income you earn, the type of house you live in, the type of car you...