Purpose Drives Your Profit

Well at this point I have been around. I have been part of the therapeutic community, part of the business coaching community, part of the academic community, women\’s communities and spiritual communities. No matter where I go, I notice that there is a group of...

And Your Magical Power Is… ?

My upcoming book is called Apathy is Noxious: The power of giving a damn. I really like the way it is shaping up. The book is a step on the path to getting what I believe is the most important message: Care More. After thinking a lot about it, I realized that if I...

Top 10 Ways To Increase Your Impact

1. Be kind and generous: In every moment of every day it is possible to change someone’s life. Sometimes, it is as simple as just being kind. 2. Be clear about what does and does not work for you: People cannot work with you if they do not know what you are all about....