Finding Happiness In The Day To Day

I have to be honest about how I typically deal with my distaste for winter – I get the heck out and go somewhere warm!  While I will be making some trips to warmer climates this winter, I still try to find ways to be happier and more at peace when I find myself...

Aimee Mann VS. Lady Gaga

Last week, my husband and I went to an Aimee Mann show. We’ve seen her perform before, and she was as wonderful as ever. During that show, I had an epiphany about myself, my sacred work, and my business that I wanted to share with you because the questions it raised...

What does it mean to be on your path?

What does it mean to be on your path? What does it mean to have a sense of deep purpose? A person who is connected to their life\’s intentions does not do good because of sheer willpower. They do it through a combination of humility and faith connected to...

5 Ways To Seduce Your Muse

Whether you are an artist or an entrepreneur, it can be easy to fall into a groove and forget to play, explore and push your own edges. When this happens things tend to go a bit flat and we become bored, frustrated or half-hearted in our efforts. We loose the...