Transforming Failure into Inspiration

One thing I hear over-and-over again from people is that they’re afraid to fail. They’re afraid of what others will think about them if they fumble towards their goals. They’re afraid to endure the pain of falling short or failing. And so, they make their fears their...

This is what SELF-LOVE really means

“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”  ― Lao Tzu Throughout history, religious and mystical teachers have emphasized the importance of knowing yourself. They have universally recognized inward inquiry as the path toward wisdom and outward...

How Your EGO Leads You to Your Essence

When it comes to the “true self”, one fixed point for contemplation is the relationship between your ego your essence. The terms “true self,” “ego,” and “essence” are broad and have many associations attached to them. So, for this week’s newsletter, I’m going to talk...